It’s all about work-energy connections.
Individual work satisfaction derives from effective connections with one’s own natural work impulses and talents.
Likewise, a successful work organization stems from productive work-energy connections with its core function and between its members.
Dr. Crist captured the essence of his consulting work when he coined ergonexus from ergo, the Greek word for work and nexus the Latin root meaning connections.
Classical physics equates energy (measured in units of ergs) with the capacity to do work.
ergonexus carries all of these associations.
Upcoming Events

For a longer video of an interview with Dr. Crist, click here.
Special West Coast Event – Social Orgonomy Series Presentation:
“Are You Satisfied with Your Work Life?”
Presented by Peter A. Crist, M.D. Saturday, December 8, 2018 Pacific Resident Theatre, 705 Venice Blvd., Venice, CA, 1:00PM to 3:00PM. Free to attend
to register, visit:
For previous events click here.
The ergonexus approach
ergonexus LLC, takes a functional approach to work-life consulting for individuals, whether hired or self-employed, as well as for owners and managers of organizations.
Benefits of the ergonexus approach:
- For individuals:
- Re-establish connection with one’s work nature.
- Improve spontaneous expression of innate talents and productive impulses.
- As a result increase personal satisfaction, creativity and productivity.
- For organizations:
- Establish—or re-establish—health in the organization by identifying and helping it connect with its natural core function.
- Align its activities with the core function.
- As a result improve organizational market share, creativity and productivity.
The ergonexus approach is based on a revolutionary understanding of the nature of work and work organizations:
Work is a spontaneous, natural, biological function that needs specific outlets in each person.
Work organizations spontaneously form to express some human need and/or desire.
The ergonexus approach:
- Supports work health: Read More
- Satisfaction is the basis of health in work (and love).
- Work satisfaction comes from productive discharge of work-energy.
- Satisfaction results from the extent to which the individual is able to express his or her talents in connection with the actual function that needs to be discharged in the job.
- Satisfaction reinforces productivity.
- Satisfying work relationships are the basis of a healthy work culture.
- Work relationships and the culture must support individual satisfaction.
- Genuine organizational expansion with productivity and profitability are the equivalent of individual satisfaction and joy in work.
- Overcomes work dysfunction: Read More
- Both individuals and organizations have experiences during their development that can lead to chronic defensive reactions (in the character of an individual and the culture of an organization). These may interfere with full connection to the expression of one’s individual work nature or discharge of an organization’s core function.
- Such blocks lead to work stasis, diminished satisfaction and reduced productivity.
- Productive work energy is tied up in the logjams and needs to be released.
- Such logjams serve a function.
- Understanding and addressing rather than ignoring or bypassing such logjams is key to functional consulting.
- Is functional: Read More
- A functional approach means thinking as nature functions based on observing what actually works rather than what we think should work.
- When a logjam forms:
- The river will flow by itself once the logs are removed.
- Identifying how the logs prevent movement is essential.
- Removing the logs is the heart of a functional approach to restoring natural work function and requires care in its implementation.
- Pushing the logs to restore the river’s flow is impossible and counterproductive.
- The actual effects of someone’s actions rather than their intentions in a particular situation are what matters.
- For an organization includes: Read More
- Evaluating and clarifying each member’s specific work function in relation to their role and position.
- Aligning individual work talents to fit the work function.
- Addressing what interferes with genuine contact between members of a work team.
- Identifying destructive members of an organization and facilitates their removal in constructive ways.
In summary the ergonexus approach:
- ✓ Identifies an individual’s healthy, work nature and/or a work organization’s natural core function,
- ✓ determines what interferes with their expression,
- ✓ overcomes those obstacles to allow the natural work process to move on its own and with it improve satisfaction, creativity and productivity.
About Us
ergonexus LLC is solely owned and operated by Dr. Peter Crist to provide work-life consulting services to individuals and work organizations.
For individuals, ergonexus LLC provides work nature evaluations, counseling and coaching on career choices, work satisfaction, handling stress and conflict, improving communication and relationships with boss, co-workers, subordinates, employees, customers and vendors.
For work organizations, it provides character assessment of executive candidates, corporate culture evaluations and advice on improving interpersonal communication applicable to any work situation and with entities ranging from partnerships, family businesses, and nonprofits to multinational corporations.
It also offers public presentations and seminars using a unique functional approach to a wide range of work-related topics that emphasize the value of genuine connections with one’s own work and within work organizations. Dr. Crist’s unique approach comes from an exceptional combination of character analytic training, relationship counseling, personal and work experience, as well as highly developed diagnostic and incisive thinking skills.
Ms. Hilary Kayle’s unique background as an interviewer, actress, writer and editor allows ergonexus LLC to also offer services to improve the effectiveness of an organization’s work connections and communications. These include client evaluations; writing and editing services to produce the most effective written materials ranging from in-house exchanges to PR; and coaching for public presentations.
Learn About Services Offered
Fees and references upon request
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Dr. Peter Crist
graduated from UCLA with an AB in Zoology (1972) and an MD degree (1977). He is board-certified in psychiatry, internal medicine and medical orgonomy—a unique form of character-analytic, bio-emotional therapy with which he treats individual adults, children, and infants.
He developed a successful approach that applies bioenergetic principles of interpersonal emotional contact to working with couples and families. Using a functional view of work organizations, he has expanded the theory and practice of interpersonal contact to apply to the dynamics of work relationships.
Dr. Crist’s business experience includes operating a private medical practice as sole proprietor from 1983 to 2005 and since 2005 as sole owner of Peter A. Crist, MD, LLC after moving his office to Hunterdon County, New Jersey. Since 2007, he has also maintained ergonexus LLC, a work-life and business consulting practice with a functional approach to organizational problems, work relationships and advising individuals from executives to staff.
He has also been deeply involved in the administration of two nonprofit corporations:
Music for People From 1989 to 1995 he worked with this educational organization devoted to promoting self-expression through music and improvisation. He served as a member of the founding Board of Directors, vice president, and chairman of the board-development committee from 1989 to 1992, and subsequently as a member of the Advisory Board from 1992 to 1995.
American College of Orgonomy (ACO) Dr. Crist has been an integral part of the ACO, an educational and training organization in Princeton, NJ. First joining their faculty in 1982, he became a member in 1984 and fellow in 1993. He was elected president of the ACO in 1991, served through 1998, and again since 2003.
The ACO trains physicians in character analysis and medical orgone therapy. As a faculty member of the medical orgonomy training program, Dr. Crist has served as a training therapist, conducted clinical training seminars and tutored medical orgonomists-in-training.
His practical application of the principles of contact to the social realm of interpersonal interaction and business organizations was a prime factor in the ACO developing a training program in social orgonomy. The program, under Dr. Crist’s chairmanship, has trained a wide range of qualified professional therapists such as social workers, family therapists and psychologists, as well as others in business, law, education and in diverse organizational settings who apply bioenergetic principles to address interpersonal problems and improve healthy functioning in families and work organizations.
The social orgonomy program also addresses health and sickness in society at large by holding public seminars and forums. Since the training program’s inception in 2001, Dr. Crist has participated on the faculty as a training therapist, conducted social orgonomy case seminars, tutored social orgonomists-in-training and presented 20 social orgonomy public presentations.
In the US and abroad, Dr. Crist has given more than 100 presentations as well as seminars and workshops on a wide range of topics, particularly on relationships, interpersonal communication, psychosomatic disorders, and individual and couples therapy. He has also published numerous articles in professional journals on a wide range of topics.

Ms. Hilary S. Kayle
graduated with honors in English and Communications from the University of Michigan. She spent a decade in television production at NBC’s TODAY Show. A published author (two novels with Berkley Publishing and numerous webzines) she currently reviews fiction for Publishers Weekly (PW) and interviews authors and industry executives for PW’s newspaper, Show Daily, which is published during the annual Book Expo America convention.
She is also a professional editor and works on both fiction and non-fiction manuscripts. In addition to writing press releases for a variety of companies, both profit and non-profit, she currently edits all PR material for an educational, non-profit institution.
A professional actress, Ms. Kayle has performed comedies and dramas with Philadelphia and Princeton area theaters. Her stage and television experience inform her consulting work to coach people for media appearances and public presentations.
Contact Us
Peter A. Crist, M.D.
President and CEO
Phone: (609) 397-5729
Fax: (609) 397-7972
Mail: PO Box 420, Ringoes, NJ 08551